Celebrating 25 years of independence

New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

After many arguments and discussions with the Governor’s Office and the Agencies, I can report to all of you that the Governor’s Office has just directed the agencies, particularly OMH and OPWDD that Masks and Sanitizer should be readily available to all of you starting immediately.

Keith Jacques, our Legislative Counsel and Lobbyist with attorney William Golderman worked tirelessly with me to accomplish this for all LE members.  Starting today, even though delayed, our members will be safer and help stop the spread of this deadly virus to others around them and most importantly to their families.

I wish it came sooner, but better than never.  Without NYSCOPBA’s push and diligence this would have never happened and all of you would be in greater danger tomorrow than you are today.  Today hopefully starts a turning point for all of you to help get through this perilous time in our history.

All of your facilities should have been notified immediately of the changes and immediate distribution of PPEs.

Thank you for your unbelievable work ethic and dedication to the most dangerous jobs in NYS, only made more dangerous by COVID-19.

If there is any issues or questions, please immediately reach out to your NYSCOPBA LE Albany Representatives.

Stay Safe and Healthy.

John Harmon Jr.
Law Enforcement Vice President