Celebrating 25 years of independence

New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

Left to right-Chris Muniak (CSS- Attica CF), Steve Herberger (CO Attica CF), Kenny Gold (WRVP), Brian Kryszak (CO Wende CF), Mike Bauer (CSS Wende CF)

On Christmas Eve 2022, Officers Kryszak and Herberger were made aware that an elderly neighbor was snowed into her home.   The two of them went over and cleared her doorway so she could get out of her home, as well as clearing her pipes going into her house.  As it turned out the fire department came by and it was determined that there was a furnace leak.  She ended up staying with Officer Herberger and his family for Christmas.  had these tow not intervened, that poor lady would not have been alive today.