Celebrating 25 years of independence

New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

Sergeant and CO were escorting an I/M from cell to SHU 1-E pending disciplinary. I/M had exited his cell with his property and entered the vestibule area to exit the unit. Sgt. ordered the I/M to place his hands behind his back so mechanical restraints could be applied. I/M initially complied. Sgt applied one restraint to the I/M’s left wrist, I/M then spun around and struck the Sgt in his upper lip with his right elbow and grabbed the Sgt’s shirt pocket attempting to throw him to the ground while ripping his shirt.

1A housing unit CO activated his PAS from inside the bubble and ensured that all cells were locked and secured. Sgt and CO used body holds to attempt to gain control of the I/M and free his grasp of the Sgt. I/M continued to resist and attempted to strike staff. The Sgt and CO by using body holds were able to force the I/M to the floor. I/m refused orders to stop resisting and cuff up and continued to be combative while trying to kick staff. CO was able to gain control of the I/M’s arms and was able to apply the mechanical restraints to the I/M’s right wrist. I/M finally became compliant and all force ceased.