Tell your lawmakers to address NYSCOPBA’s legislative priorities!
NYSCOPBA is establishing an ongoing letter writing campaign for our members and supporters to contact the Governor and their state lawmakers and encourage them to address NYSCOPBA’s legislative priorities. Click the links below to either send your letter via email or download a PDF you can print, sign and mail. The online links will require you to input your name and address. Based on the address you input the letters will be pre-formatted to send directly to your elected representatives.
Contacting the Governor
Members are encouraged to contact the Governor’s office to advocate on behalf of NYSCOPBA’s legislative agenda. Click here for more information on contacting the Governor and for sample letters that you can use to deliver your message to the Governor.
Oppose Closing Correctional Facilities
The Governor's Executive Budget proposal seeks to close up to 5 prisons with only 90 days notice; circumventing the law that required one-year's notice. Enough is enough. Prison closures will not fix the problems we face on a daily basis. We need you to tell your elected lawmakers that we oppose these closures! Please send a pre-written letter to your State Senator and Assemblyperson.
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Fix Tier 6!
Tier 6 pension reforms have eroded the retirement benefits for all public employees hired since 2012. Tier 6 members pay more, work longer to collect their benefits, and receive less in retirement. The diminished retirement benefits has resulted in an extreme staffing shortage of public employees, especially in law enforcement titles. Changes to Tier 6 are necessary to make public employment more attractive to future employees and to incentivized current workers to remain in public service. We need you to tell your elected lawmakers that they need to FIX TIER 6! Please send a pre-written letter to your State Senator and Assemblyperson.
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Death Gamble Legislation
This legislation would provide the families of employees who are eligible to retire under the Section 89 Retirement Plan (CO’s, Sergeants & SHTAs) and subsequently dies before filing for retirement, with a benefit equal to the value of the employee’s pension reserve. Currently, if a member is retirement eligible, continues to work and dies, their beneficiaries will only receive a benefit of 3X salary. This legislation will help ensure that our families receive the pension benefit we have earned and it will help in retaining senior members of our ranks.
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